
Brené Brown: Talking About What We Don’t Talk About

In our July issue, Don Jenkins, vice president of the National Speakers Bureau, shared insight on choosing discomfort over resentment from speaker Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work.


Brown takes on topics that make us squirm — she studies the links between vulnerability, shame, courage, and authenticity — and talks about them in a way that is funny and moving and leads to connection.

And connection, “is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives,” Brown says. “This is what it’s all about … neurobiologically that’s how we’re wired — it’s why we’re here.”

You can find out more about  Brown’s work on her blog, and in her books and talks, including at  TEDxKC and the UP Experience in Houston.

Barbara Palmer

Barbara Palmer is senior editor and director of digital content.