From hybrid meetings to social VR, the following stories look at what’s fresh now in creating digital experiences. First up is an interview with Jennifer Kingman Kush, executive director of the Digital Experience Institute.
Digital events have a very bright future, according to Jennifer Kingen Kush, who also shares the current best practices for digital meetings.
The Radiological Society of North America stages a huge in-person conference and an increasingly robust hybrid meeting. Participation in both is only growing.
NBC is planning to live-stream a record-breaking amount of programming from the Winter Olympics this month. What can event organizers learn from that?
Yes, there’s an entire industry dedicated to people who play video games competitively. It’s called esports — and there are things it can teach you about compelling online content.
V. “Can Social VR Transform Events?”
Putting on a headset can be antisocial — unless it connects an attendee with millions of other users.
Test Time
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The Power of Digital Events: Revolutionizing Audience Engagement, a white paper from PCMA’s Digital Experience Institute, available for free download at convn.org/dei-white-paper.
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