My New Favorite App


Now available in 14 U.S. cities, with more being added all the time, SpotHero allows you to search for parking at a garage or lot near your destination during a specified time period.


SpotHero_-_Boston_-_Screen_Shot 2Finding a place to park in Manhattan is not for the faint of heart — or for those who are light in the wallet. SpotHero to the rescue! Literally. When you make a transaction on this platform, a flying caped-crusader icon appears on your screen to let you know that your booking is being processed.

Parking options with discounted prices and distance to your destination appear in a list, on a map, and — most helpfully — with a photo of the garage entrance.  You click on your selection to reserve your spot, pay via credit card, and your parking pass — which serves as your receipt — arrives via text or email for you to show the cashier when you pick up your car.

You can reserve in advance or on the fly. If you’re driving and don’t have a reservation, the app will show you what’s available nearby and how much you’ll be charged. SpotHero prices are two to three times lower than the drive-up rate, and once you book it, your spot is guaranteed.

One little bump in the road: It doesn’t pay to get there before the time you booked your arrival. I showed up at one garage at 6:52 p.m. and the attendant charged me an additional $9 because my reserved check-in time was 7 p.m. But that may not happen in kinder, gentler cities than the Big Apple.

Michelle Russell

Michelle Russell is editor in chief of Convene.