If you want to be seen as innovative, you have to innovate.
Pretty much every organization on the planet wants to be seen as innovative. But fewer want to do the hard work of actually being innovative. If only it were as easy as showing up with an Apple Watch strapped to our wrists. But real innovation involves work, risk, and, even worse, failure.
Innovation is the corporate equivalent of being physically fit. We all want to have a ripped body with six-pack abs — we may even invest in a gym membership or a personal trainer. But when push comes to shove, there are too many practical things that get in the way of our goal.
True innovation requires thinking beyond conventional wisdom and embracing change. For example, at Freeman we occasionally get pushback from conference presenters when we offer second-screen technology. They are uncomfortable with the idea of inviting people to engage with their mobile devices while they are speaking. But the truth is, people are increasingly looking at their cell phones whether or not you give them permission. Second-screen technology simply leverages the audience’s preferred channel to invite interactivity and share relevant content in real time.
Successful organizations continue to invest in technology and resources that support innovation. But this is like the gym membership. Ultimately, we just have to exercise that part of our brain that lets us innovate. Ironically, one of the things that inhibit innovation is worrying what others will think. Fear of failure can paralyze the intellectual muscles we need to keep creatively limber. That’s why it’s important to stretch ourselves — to push beyond our comfort zones. True innovators don’t worry about being one of the cool kids. They just get on with it.
Follow Bob on Twitter @bpriestheck.