
What Makes a Millennial a Millennial?

How does Gen-Y work, collaborate, an use data?

That’s the question that Jon Iwata, IBM’s senior vice President of Marketing and Communications, addresses in a video produced by Big Think Edge. Iwata uses his yearly breakfast with the company’s summer interns as a springboard to examine the ways that Gen-Y works, collaborates, uses data, even influence office design. “It is true that the purpose of their work matters greatly to them,” Iwata observes. “They don’t want to differentiate what they do in their personal life from what they do in their professional life. It matters to them.”

You can watch the video here.

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Iwata’s talk meshes with our December Convene article on Generation Y, which examines ways in which meetings have already shifted to meet the upcoming generation — from event design to engagement initiatives.

Corin Hirsch

Corin Hirsch is a writer who specializes in food and drink.