In this month’s video for The Intersection: Where Technology Meets Inspiration, presented by PCMA and PSAV Presentation Services, Cvent Vice President of Marketing Eric Eden shares strategies on using technology to facilitate marketing before, during, and after a meeting.
“When people use mobile event apps it really accelerates the use of social media and the sharing of information,” Eden says in the video. “Events are inherently social experiences. People go to network and learn, and I think mobile and social are really helping in that regard.”
Convene spoke to Rachel Andrews, manager of meetings and events marketing at Cvent, about how marketing technology has evolved over the last decade. “Very rarely are we sending or shipping anything paper,” Andrews said. “People are glued to their mobile devices or tablets now. If it’s not on my social networks or in my inbox, I’m not looking at it.”
To illustrate how sophisticated social-media app integration can drive engagement and extend the reach of an event beyond the meeting room, Andrews referenced one of her company’s newest products. Last year, Cvent developed the EventCompass social feed, an aggregation tool that complements its CrowdCompass app, to provide attendees with both a live bird’s-eye-view social feed and a personalized stream of content based on their individual interactions with the app. “Social updates are featured based on the sessions they attended and the items they bookmark,” Andrews said. “It’s a smarter, more personalized social experience, and our clients and their attendees love it.”
Integrating social-media sharing into an app makes it more valuable to sponsors as well. One Cvent client generated so much revenue with its 2014 event app that it paid for itself, Andrews said — with enough money left over to present each of the nearly 300 attendees with a Samsung Galaxy tablet.