This spring, when Dutch department store chain Vroom & Dreesman (V&D) went bankrupt, tons of produce intended for the retailer’s on-site restaurants suddenly had nowhere to go. The Basement Chefs received a phone call from a city farm, Stadskwekerij Osdorp, tipping them off to the food, and asked if the RAI team wanted to help keep it from going to waste.
They certainly did. Together with culinary consultant Walter Abma (an advisor to the farm), they hatched a plan for the tomatoes: An RAI-branded ketchup. “We ended up developing our own product line, together with Abma, that also includes basil olive oil and red-apple vinegar,” said Rientz Mulder, executive chef of RAI Amsterdam. “All have been made with local ingredients and using recipes that reflect the RAI’s Dutch roots.”
Visitors can taste and purchase the condiments at RAI Amsterdam — but unfortunately, the products can’t be shipped out of the country. In the meantime, the chefs plan to continue to innovate and partner with local producers as part of sustainable catering efforts they’ve called “Heart-warming Amsterdam.”
“They call themselves the Basement Chefs with good reason,” said Abma. “They have a no-nonsense attitude and give everything their own spin.”